YouTube Channel Live!

Hello all. Just a quick post to say i’ve finally gotten round to creating a YouTube Channel, OverlandUAS.

I will be post the occasional video on news articles or videos relating to UAV’s. I will also be discussing the preparing for the BUNC-s and RPQS Qualifications, skills such as VFR Map reading etc…. As i have recently qualified i will also be discussing how i get on in the industry.

Let me know what you think.

Thumbs Up

Overland UAS on YouTube

So, i have finally given into peer pressure and have set up a YouTube account.

Its sole purpose is to offer the same news, reviews, comments and opinions, in another format, that is sometimes more useful than simply writing about it.

For example, a few weeks ago, i attached a few luggage straps to my Inspire case and an old Rucksack, so i can take my Inspire on my back when Mountain Biking or Hiking. Lots of people got in touch, commenting on how useful the post was, and how they could do the same thing. Its so much easier to demonstrate this visually.

So here is the details of my new YouTube channel. I will apologies in advance for my Yorkshire accent, if i need to add subtitles just let me know. Please feel free to comment or rant, i’m not a precious person, i’m still learning, and hopefully this channel can help all us newbies!


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Latest Star Wars Drone!!!!

You have to love the ingenuity of geeks. RC geeks in particular.

A few months ago, I posted a video from a chap called Olivier C, who had created an epic Millennium Falcon UAS.

He has gone one better, and created a UAV, an Imperial Battle Cruiser!

The video could only be improved with the right music. (play this in the background of another window, for a more authentic viewing experience! –

Credit to George Lucas coming up with the most epic names for cool stuff in Cinematic history, but even more credit had to go to Olivier C, who is obviously an amateur Drone maker, building these realistic Star Wars UAVs in his spare time.

I will be keeping an eye on his YouTube account, and became a subscriber this afternoon. What a legend!


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